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< 2002-01-24 >

Winter Musings 2002-01-24 12:43 p.m.

Good Morning, from Bessey's Room...

The excitement is just exciting. So very exciting. I saw bits and pieces of "Cast Away" last night. Two hours and twenty-three minutes is A LOT of Tom Hanks. Not necessarily a bet I would've taken. Today is my first day back at work after my little sabbatical. Back to the daily grind of making pizzas and answering phones. You can see why I'm excited. Anyway, in the words of some popular musical group, "Have a Nice Day."

Live with Kelly and...Miscellaneous

I developed a little bit of a thing for Kelly Ripa during Christmas break. I find that I pretty much tape the show every day at 9:a and watching it the next morning before I go to school at 7:a. It's generally 22 hours old, but it's still the same effect. It's just fun. Finally someone who can really rip into Regis...and he can't do anything about it. And with his recent parting of ways with "Millionaire," he's really going to be up that well-known polluted tributary.

Anyway, Regis is on vacation this week, and Kelly's guest co-hosts have included Steve Harris, George Hamilton and P. Diddy. Excellent. The numbers are up for the show, too. I guess all they had to do was shed the stigma of Kathie Lee Gifford and it became smooth sailing. So that's another pointless glimpse into my life.

Hi Everybody!

It's been almost a month since anything has appeared here. I think that's probably a new record or something. Anyway, as far as site updates go, you should check out the Boston Common pages, which have seen the most recent updates this past week.

As far as life in Alabama goes, it continues to be as boring as ever. I did triumph over my DVD player this weekend. Now all my DVDs play just fine. Yay! Too bad I can' t think of anything relevant to say, but such is the price of living in Alabama.

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