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it hurts when i do this
(the college years)

< 2002-01-28 >

Kelly Ripa for Senator 2002-01-28 9:45 p.m.

(But Tom Butler is still my hero)

In about two and a half hours, I will be meeting with Senator Tom Butler as he presents a nice little check to an organization in which I am involved. I'm just a little bit nervous, as this guy has, over the course of the last five years, made significant contributions to both the library and Sparkman's new broadcasting class, but I'm going to try to work through it.

I've just kinda been wondering all day if this is something suitworthy. I have the one all-purpose suit that I only pull out for special occasions, and I'm sort of reluctant to do it. It's a lot of work, and I have a whole two minutes to change when I get home anyway, so I'm thinking maybe something that doesn't involve the long and complicated process of tying a tie.

Additionally, I have a lot of library materials that I'm adamant must go back with me today. I have some sort of ill-conceived notion that if the Senator finds out I have an excess of overdue library materials, he might withhold the money, which I know is ridiculous, but it's like that Shawn Colvin song: "You got nothin' on me..." (as in, I don't want him to have anything on me).

Anyway, I should stop worrying about all this long enough to care about or at least acknowledge the fact that I have an English test next period on, in essence, grammar and mechanics, an area in which I am completely competent, except for about one area, which, I've noted, rotates on a yearly basis.

One final note: I know what you're doing, Regis. You are acting out of fear of losing your job at Millionaire (like everybody doesn't know that this has already happened) and just general feistyness as far as your Dirty Old Man-ness goes, but you are cheating me out of my Twenty Minutes with Kelly every tape-delayed morning. Quit shortening the monologue so you can talk longer with Bill Cosby or whatever. It just makes me mad. Seriously. I know you read my previous post about how much I love Kelly and how much I don't like you, but it's nothing to retaliate over. I hated you before I even knew Kelly. Get over it. Or die...and then I can have your job.

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