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it hurts when i do this
(the college years)

< June 17, 2004 >

sabbatical June 17, 2004 3:20 p.m.

Not long after I began this journal, I had a dream about Tomato Nation's Sarah Bunting. Mind you, I've never even met her in real life, but I guess I felt like I knew her after reading the site and blah blah blah. Anyway, I was working at Domino's at the time and Sarah showed up for her pizzas. It was a quick dream, really bizarre, but also, I thought, sort of cool.

The last few (well, six) months have been pretty sporadic around here. I've been busy, you've been busy. I've missed our little chats. The thing is, I'm not sure that I'll be any less busy anytime soon. I've got a man, two dogs, and a little house to take care of. Plus, there's my education and that unfortunate new job. It's all adding up to less free time than I'd hoped. I just don't think...right now, today...that I can make a good faith promise to keep doing this journal.

Thus, I've decided to take a sabbatical from It Hurts When I Do This. I'm going to walk away for the summer. When I come back, I'll have made a decision about whether to continue in this forum. Don't worry, though. You can still find me at Shouted and Chasing and I promise to leave the archives up no matter what happens. I just need some time off. I'm sure you understand. Keep in touch, though, and you kids have fun in DC. I'm sure we'll see each other again before we know it.

The other night, Universal Donor appeared to me in a dream. The circle of life (or of unconscious nocturnal encounters with NYC bloggers) was complete.

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