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(the college years)

< 2000-12-31 >

Moving Violation 2000-12-31 4:16 p.m.

tittlemouse.com Senior Editor Pat Howard is moving to Huntsville, Alabama, after eleven years in the Quad Cities. In the coming weeks, read stories about the move.

[Ed. Note - This was orignally posted in December 2001. A lot has changed since then. For example, my point of view. For another example, my HTML skills. It took me a good half hour to format these pages, but it was worth it. Here they are, all pretty. -- Pat]

5 Things I'll Miss About Here

1. The People

Ah yes, the people. There's something about the people in the Quad Cities. Something different, something that you don't find everywhere you go. I'm not quite sure what it is. I think it has something to do with the fact that the people here are human beings. Or maybe they're not. It's kind of weird and hard to explain, but being ambiguous like this will make this usable next week in 5 Things I Hate About Here.

2. The Peer Justice Program

This is a very unique program; there are only a few in the entire country. A jury of your peers doesn't typically apply to teens, but we've found a way around that - the Peer Justice Program. My good friend Talicia Thomas coordinates the program, which recently expanded to include all of Rock Island County. Apparently there's a similar program in Henry County or something, but who cares?

3. Gamma Omega Delta

My youth group, at a church which shall remain nameless for legal reasons, gave me one of the best years of my Quad City experience. From movie nights to Bible study, from Joe's awesome, mind-blowing retreats to spontaneous runs for food or furniture, this was some youth group. If you have the priviledge of being a part of it, you know what I'm talking about. CPL 4evr, baby!

4. The Snow

There's something about snow. I love it. You can build things out of it, you can throw it at people, you can even eat it (unless it's yellow) -- it's great. But even better than all of that, when it really starts to come down, there's no school, which means you can sit around all day sleeping, watching TV, or surfing the Web. I love snow, but seeing that typed on a computer screen is just funny.

5. Friends

A.J. Langer once said, "There are people who know you in a way others can't, because they've seen you change. They've let you change." That's especially true for me. Eleven years is a lot of time to invest in anything, and I like to think I've gotten back more than I put in. I've made some really good friends, especially these last few years, and they're great people. But there are a handful who I've known forever that will stick in my mind like a sugary pop song. Since I'm in a quoting mood, I'll leave you with this, a quote from Sports Night: "So you say a few words. Make a gesture. Remember an important date. It's a small price to pay for what you get in return. For what you get in return, it's a steal."

5 Things I Hate About Here

1. The People

Ah yes, the people. There's something about the people in the Quad Cities. Something different, something that you don't find everywhere you go. I'm not quite sure what it is. I think it has something to do with the fact that the people here are human beings. Or maybe they're not. It's kind of weird and hard to explain, but being ambiguous like this made this usable last week in 5 Things I'll Miss About Here.

2. John Deere

I never really understood people's obsession with John Deere. Some dead guy made a tractor, now let's worship him. If I never see green and yellow again, it'll be too soon. Maybe it's just because everybody works there. Whatever.

3. (Commercials for) the Iowa LotteryThe Iowa Lottery has, perhaps, the most annoying commercial guy in the last five years. He's way too perky, a possible replacement when a visibly high Katie Couric runs Matt Lauer ragged over at Today. I'd say I hate that too, but it's everywhere, unfortunately.

4. The Humidity

It never really was hot here, except for maybe one summer. It was just humid! Really, really humid! On a July day, you would sweat buckets after being outside five minutes! It's enough to make you want to move to Alaska forever, but apparently in Alabama, it's a dry heat. Whatever that means.

5. Chicago Teams

How can I best express this? It will never be 'the year' no matter how many times you say it. The Cubs are losers, da Bears are losers, and now that a certain unnamed overpaid basketball 'star' has left the Bulls, they're pretty much a lost cause as well. I will remain a Cardinals fan to the end.

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