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it hurts when i do this
(the college years)

< February 03, 2004 >

some random February 03, 2004 4:52 p.m.

I think I have ADD. Or ADHD. One of those random disorders that have letters in them. I'm not making any sense most of the time and my attention span is shot all to hell. I'm hardly every aware of my surroundings and it's a miracle I can find my own room some days.

My writing 'talent' apparently fell out of the car during one of the various recent road trips I've taken with my college friends. Or maybe we burned it while we were busy being pyros. Who can say?

I spent a damn lot of my first semester here sitting alone in my room watching Special Victims Unit, mocking Mariska Hargitay and waiting for my 'college friends' to appear. You know, the college friends: the ones who'll indulge your late-night flights of fancy and think nothing of travelling across state lines in the middle of the night, talking shit about the people you commonly hate and generally being rude assholes to each other.

Do they make pineapple colored hair dye? Because that might be cool. Well, for a few minutes. After that, it would just be annoying. I'd look silly, especially since I'm already blond.

I mean, first semester prominently featured boys. There are always boys. But your friends are the ones you run to when the boys make you want to cry and you can't afford to buy a phone card and cry to your friends.

I finally got pissed off enough about our pitiful school paper to pitch a hissy about it today. The whole situation is a prime example of my new three-letter disorder. I'll track down the adviser to discuss the fact that no one on the staff has a spell check program or that it's beyond lazy to pull every single story in the news section from the wire. But she'll launch into some kind of aria about sunshine, or perhaps cats, and then it's all over. Like that scene from Will & Grace where Jack distracts Karen with something shiny.

As it turns out, my college friends were there all along. I just never knew it. Common sense might have dictated that I look around my classes in my major for a person or people with similar interests. But when have we ever known me to subscribe to common sense? Never, is when.

Whatever happened to those Zest soap commercials? You're never fully clean until you're Zestfully clean, right? Never mind.

Around Christmas, Mad and I had come to the mutual conclusion that we should cohabit, neither of us wanting to invest in a single room and neither of us happy with our current living arrangements. Granted, College University took its sweet time with the paperwork, so it was a week or to into this semester before the move actually took place.

They took the coffee bar in the student union and turned it into a Starbucks, which doesn't affect me save for the fact that they jacked up the price of my Diet Cokes.

Given my predisposition toward inertia, and given the fact that my own roommate vacated the premises under mysterious and vague circumstances, it was a stroke of luck that Mad moved into my room and I got to stay put.

After a weirdly conceived English Honors movie night, Mad, and to a lesser extent I, had grown closer to Nut-Meg, the girl reputed throughout our section for her record eight one hundreds on various essays over the course of the semester. She's a smarty every day, but if you tell her that, she gets pissy.

The three of us have formed a common bond over crappy college dinners, lame and/or offensive comedy, the aforementioned late-night road trips featuring my insanely bad driving, tapes of The Mole, and openly mocking pretty much everyone, up to and including misguided televangelists whose ex-husbands turned them into desperate anti-feminist harpies with poor grammar and inspirational wardrobe choices. I don't know if I mentioned the fact that there's a lot of downtime in college, especially considering the fact that I only have class three days a week.

Plus, she solved my Diet Coke problem with the awesome power of her Sam's card. Now I just need to get a job so I can pay for my Ritalin.

Someone got here by searching for: adam brody underwear And: sexual sensory overload (Wait. Aren't those the same thing?) Reading: Listening to: Fountains of Wayne Watching: Uptown Girls, which...I don't even have the words. Run far, far away before the plot and continuity holes swallow you entirely.

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