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it hurts when i do this
(the college years)

< April 28, 2004 >

The House That Love Built April 28, 2004 2:28 p.m.

The time has finally come for me to move out of these godforsaken dorms. This saga began last August. Since then, I have been subjected to no fewer than three roommates, engaged in countless careless flirtations with food poisoning in the resident cafeteria, taken hundreds of lukewarm showers, and at least a dozen calls of complaint regarding the near�riots in the halls. In other words, THANK GOD I�M MOVING INTO A HOUSE!

Campus life has been a whirlwind of excitement, at least this semester. It certainly didn�t start out that way. One of the advertised advantages of living on campus freshman year is the alleged feeling of community it provides. The building is owned by the university, after all, and it�s on university property, which theoretically opens one up a whole new world of wonder and excitement where RAs frolic happily, passing out cookies and nonalcoholic beverages. Never a dull moment, living in the dorms. This Field of Dreams �if you live here, friends will come� mentality is a happy dream, and while it may be true for some residents, popularity or even personal entertainment is somewhat more elusive.

Shockingly enough, I had to go outside the dorms for companionship. Most of my friends and dates first semester were people who had no association with the university at all. It got me away from school temporarily, but I always returned to campus empty handed. Eventually it occurred to me to talk to people in my classes, an undertaking that was met with something like resistance. Perhaps it was apathy. Whatever the case, the big toe I dipped in the water of campus life extended no farther than the weekly campus newspaper staff meetings and that whole �founding the gay-straight alliance� thing, activities which gave me at least two hours a week of that sense of community but left me alone the rest of the week.

I spent an awfully damn long time in the campus library, playing on the Internet and whatnot, which might explain the semi-daunting archives from last fall. And I spent a lot of time in my room watching television and avoiding my roommate. Somehow I came to associate being on campus with being bored, which turned out to be untrue.

The dam finally burst after Christmas when Tag the Japanese Wonder Boy moved out because he just couldn�t handle my perpetual state of being on the phone with Rachel. My search for the inevitable new roommate produced Mad, a seemingly innocuous guy from my English class who turned out to be generally irritating. While he turned out to be an unresponsive jackass who is generally unpleasant to be around, at least he�s quiet most of the time. And at least he laid the groundwork for further forays into the student population, which produced a new best friend in Nut-Meg.

The romantic dam burst as well after Christmas when the Danwich asked me to be his boyfriend. We�d been casually dating for a few months before that and we just clicked, like couples are supposed to. Since then, it really has been a whirlwind of activity around here. All this finally culminated in our renting of an actual house. A house, people! This is the coolest thing ever, not least because I�ll be coming home to my man every night after work. The costly dinners out and exorbitant weekend hotel rates are a thing of the past. We�ll be able to go out on the porch � the porch, people!! � and�sit on the porch! We�ll be able to go out back and play with the dogs! Dogs! Woo! I�ve been so terrified of rambling on in this forum about this awesome relationship, my rockin� boyfriend, for fear that�I don�t know, something bad would happen, but I�m so thrilled that I just had to share this news.

I get to be a domestic goddess�or something a little less than a goddess at least. I can be an attendant or something, right? We�ve got the decorating scheme all planned out and we�re gearing up to move in this week. I, for one, can�t wait. I�ve already started packing, which is confusing Mad, but at this point, who cares? I�m leaving the dorms forever! Woo!

Also, I�m moving this week, so if the update schedule gets a little off track, this is my excuse.

Someone got here by searching for: everybody loves rupert And: steve guttenburg cereal Reading: Until the Twelfth of Never: The Deadly Divorce of Dan and Betty Broderick. It's slow going, but I've at least got the ball rolling. Listening to: It's all Ben Folds all the time until the concert! Nine days away, y'all! Nine! Watching: Kill Bill, Vol. 1. The gratuitious violence was thoroughly entertaining.

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